Swap Tablette Polaroïd MID2410

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Corentin Marion
  • Posts de Forum 1

24 nov. 2015 à 19:49:57 via site

Je voudrais savoir si il était possible d'effectuer un "swap" de ma carte sd externe en stockage interne par défaut sur ma tablette Polaroïd MID2410 !
Si oui, comment ?
Voici mon fichier vold.fstab :

Vold 2.0 Generic fstab

- San Mehat (san@android.com)


Regular device mount


Format: dev_mount

label - Label for the volume

mount_point - Where the volume will be mounted

part - Partition # (1 based), or 'auto' for first usable partition.

- List of sysfs paths to source devices


Example of a standard sdcard mount for the emulator / Dream

Mounts the first usable partition of the specified device

dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host/mmc1

Example of a dual card setup

dev_mount left_sdcard /sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host/mmc1

dev_mount right_sdcard /sdcard2 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.3/mmc_host/mmc1

Example of specifying a specific partition for mounts

dev_mount sdcard /sdcard 2 /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host/mmc1

For gs702c: mounts three partition

dev_mount flash /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/virtual/block/actj
dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sd-ext auto /devices/platform/asoc-mmc0.0/mmc_host/mmc0
dev_mount uhost /mnt/uhost auto /devices/platform/actions-dwc3.1/dwc3.0/xhci-hcd /devices/platform/aotg_hcd.0 /devices/platform/aotg_hub.0

Si cela est possible cela serait sympa de me donne le fichier modifié pour faire un swap de la carte de externe en stockage interne :)
